The Unexpected Choice of Larry Summers for OpenAI’s Board

The Unexpected Choice of Larry Summers for OpenAI’s Board
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  • With Sam Altman returning as CEO, new board members include former Treasury Secretary and Salesforce co-CEO Bret Taylor.
  • With two new members and one holdover from the previous board that dismissed him, Sam Altman’s inaugural board of directors will provide him with guidance as he attempts to lead OpenAI after the tumult surrounding his expulsion and return as chief executive.
  • Larry Summers, the former Treasury secretary and president of Harvard University, whose nomination startled some observers, and seasoned IT veteran Bret Taylor, who was formerly chairman of Twitter and co-CEO of Saleforce, are the two new hires. Adam D’Angelo, a former Facebook executive and the creator of the question-and-answer website Quora, is still on the board. This might be an indication that Altman, after his shock reinstatement late Tuesday, may not be getting his own way in everything.
  • On the subject, there are more. Please don’t hesitate to ask me any questions.
  • A prominent commentator on the dangers of inflation and Fed policy, Lorry Summers is a former Treasury secretary and professor of economics at Harvard University.
  • An artificial intelligence research group called OpenAI wants to develop intelligent machines that can help people.
  • An group dedicated to artificial intelligence research, Open AI hopes to develop intelligent machines that can help people without endangering them or being abused.
  • Open AI stated on November 22, 2023, that Summers, together with llya Sutskever and Driao Amodei, had joined its founding board of three.
  • Summers lacks experience in artificial intelligence and has voiced criticism of many Open AI initiatives, including GPT3. Therefore, the news was unexpected.
  • Amidst worries over AI safety, Sutskever spearheaded a board coup that resulted in Sam Altman’s dismissal as CEO of Open AI. This change also happened at the same time.
  • There were conjectures among onlookers that Summers was brought in to assist Open AI in repairing its relationship with its investors.

Published by : Reshraman

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