Children’s Day in 2023

Children's Day in 2023
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Children’s Day in 2023

Joyfully Honoring India’s Future Every country’s future lies with its children, and India is no exception. Every year on November 14, Children’s Day is observed as a unique opportunity to honor Indian children and spread awareness of their care, education, and rights. The day honors Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, the nation’s first prime minister, who was adored by kids and referred to as “Chacha Nehru” because of his warmth and kindness toward them.

For what reason is November 14th designated as Children’s Day

As November 14 is Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru’s birth anniversary (he was born on November 14, 1889), it is observed as Children’s Day. Nehru was a visionary leader who was instrumental in the independence movement and the development of India into a democratic, secular, and autonomous country. Additionally, he was a fervent supporter of children’s welfare and education, considering them to be the true backbone of a community and a country’s actual strength. “Today’s children will make tomorrow’s India,” he famously said. The future of the nation will depend on how we raise them.

The children loved Nehru and called him “Chacha Nehru.” They were always happy because of their faith in him. He cherished spending time with kids and learning about their goals and objectives. Additionally, he exhorted students to follow their passions and abilities in order to advance the nation. As roses were his favorite flower, he would frequently give books, toys, and roses to kids. In addition, he received a lot of letters from kids, which he saved and answered.

A unanimous motion was approved in Parliament following Nehru’s death in 1964, designating his birthday as the official Children’s Day date in his honor. Prior to 1956, when the United Nations proclaimed November 20 to be Universal Children’s Day, India observed Children’s Day on that day each year. But November 14 was selected as a day to honor Nehru’s memory and his affection for kids after 1956.

In India, how is Children’s Day observed?

Across India, children organize a variety of educational and inspirational events on Children’s Day, which is observed with great fervor and happiness. To highlight the abilities and accomplishments of children, schools host unique events such as workshops, seminars, games, quizzes, exhibitions, debates, and cultural performances. In addition to participating in these activities, parents and teachers encourage kids to express themselves and have fun. Certain educational institutions permit kids to don vibrant attire and share candies and presents with one another. A lot of schools also invite well-known individuals, such as politicians, actors, social workers, and activists, to speak with kids and motivate them with their thoughts and stories.

Children’s Day is also an opportunity to bring attention to problems and difficulties that Indian children experience, including child labor, child abuse, child trafficking, poverty, malnourishment, illiteracy, and child marriage. Campaigns, rallies, marches, and seminars are organized by a variety of NGOs, government agencies, and civil society groups to draw attention to the needs and rights of children and to urge that society and the authorities take action to protect and empower them. Children are also invited to participate in decision-making processes that impact them and to voice their ideas and suggestions on how to better their circumstances.

Children’s Day is also an occasion to honor the variety and solidarity of India’s youth, who represent a multitude of ethnicities, languages, cultures, and geographical locations. Youngsters are taught to promote a sense of fraternity and harmony as well as to recognize and value the differences and similarities among themselves. Children are also exposed to India’s rich and varied history as well as the contributions made by several leaders, heroes, and figures who have molded the nation’s identity and past.

What will Children’s Day mean in 2023?

Children’s Day in 2023 will be particularly noteworthy because it will be Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru’s 134th birthday and the 59th year that the holiday has been observed in India. It will also be an opportunity to consider the difficulties and successes that India’s youth have faced and will face in the future. India has improved the health, education, and general well-being of its children over the past 60 years with programs like the Mid-Day Meal Scheme, the Right to Education Act, the Integrated Child Development Services, the National Health Mission, and the Beti Bachao Beti Padhao Yojana. In addition to ratifying the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, India has passed laws and implemented policies to shield kids from prejudice, exploitation, and violence.

But India still has a long way to go before it can guarantee the general growth and welfare of its kids, particularly the neglected, weak, and underprivileged ones. With 472 million children under the age of 18, or 39% of the total population, India has the biggest kid population in the world, according to the census conducted in 2021. However, over 38% of these kids are stunted as a result of chronic malnutrition, and roughly 29% of these kids live in poverty. 10% of these kids work as children, and 17% of them miss school. Approximately 27% of these kids are married before turning 18 and 12% of them experience sexual assault. Forty percent of these kids do not have access to clean drinking water, and fifty percent do not have better sanitary facilities.

In order to guarantee that every child in India has access to their rights and may realize their full potential, Children’s Day in 2023 will act as a reminder of the pressing need to address these problems. Additionally, it will make a call to action for all parties involved, including the public, media, government, business sector, and civil society, to come together and cooperate for the benefit of India’s youth. The children of India, who are the nation’s and the world’s future, will also have their goals and dreams celebrated.

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